Week 9: Wondering
How this works
As a family, do some physical exercise three days a week (though even once is helpful!). If you can do it more often, then do other types of exercise too – walking, jogging, riding, skating, or swimming.
Each week of family.fit has a theme. The focus this week is wondering. Each step below helps you explore the theme together.
Each session is an adventure made up of seven steps.
There are three options for each step, giving three days of exercise programming.
Remember anyone in the household can take the phone and lead a different step in the adventure.
Have fun together!
If you translate this into your language, please email it to [email protected] so it can be shared with others.
Watch the family.fit 7 steps
Step 1: Warm-up
Start moving the whole body: 5 minutes
Do the following whole-body warm-ups
Day 1 — Warm-up to music
Do the following for 60 seconds each:
- High knees running
- High knees to side
- Scissor jumps
- Jumping jacks
Watch this video
Day 2 — Junkyard dog
One person sits on the floor with legs out to the front and arms out to the side. The others jump over the arm, the legs and the second arm. Everybody jumps two rounds and changes places so everybody gets to jump.
Watch this video
Day 3 — Warm-up to music
Repeat Day 1.
Step 2: Talk together
Rest and start a conversation: 5 minutes
Sit down together and start a short conversation. Here are some questions to get you started.
Day 1 — Discuss
How do you feel when you look at the night sky?
How many stars do you think are in the universe? What is the biggest number you can think of?
Wonder together why God made so many stars.
Day 2 — Discuss
Think of a famous person and share what you like about them.
Do they know who you are?
Who are the people who care about you, and know what makes you special?
Day 3 — Discuss
Do you have a pet animal or would you like one?
Do you have a garden or would you like one?
What responsibilities are involved in having a pet or a garden?
Step 3: Move
Move and do speed skaters: 5 minutes
Practice the speed skaters movement to develop leg and core strength.
Day 1 — Practice speed skaters
Practice speed skaters. Do 10 of them. Rest and then do 20. Rest, then do 30.
Watch this video.
Day 2 — Tabata
Do as many speed skaters as you can for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, and then repeat 8 times.
Try and do the same number in each round.
Listen to tabata music
Day 3 — Harder speed skaters
Practice harder speed skaters. Make them smooth and increase speed. Do 20. Rest and then do 20 again.
Try 20 speed skaters over an object. Rest and then do 20 again.
Watch this video.
Step 4: Challenge
Move in a family challenge: 10 minutes
Challenging each other helps give you energy.
Day 1 — Obstacle course
Set up an obstacle course. Use the space you have inside or outside (e.g. run to the tree/chair, leap over the path/rug, etc.) Be creative!
Take turns to get through the obstacle course as quickly as possible. Time each person.
Watch this video.
Day 2 — Knee tag
Compete in pairs. Try to touch your opponent’s knees as many times as you can in 60 seconds while you protect your own with your hands and body position. Change partners.
Watch this video.
Day 3 — Family challenge
Stand in a circle. Do 100 speed skaters as a family. One person starts and then taps out to the next person when needed. After 100, rest for 30 seconds and then start speed skaters again.
Three rounds of 100.
Step 5: Explore
Explore the Bible together: 5 minutes
Explore the Life Question - “Do I wonder about life?” Read Psalm 8.
Day 1 — Read Psalm 8 and talk
Set a timer for 60 seconds and see who can draw the most stars in that time. What is your family total?
If you counted all the stars, one per second, it would take more than a trillion years! What does this tell you about our Creator God?
Day 2 — Reread and talk
The Psalm says God thinks about us and cares for us. Think: I wonder what God is thinking about us today?
Knowing that God cares for and notices you, how does it make you feel? Add words to finish this sentence “I feel…” and make a poster together.
Day 3 — Reread and talk
From the Psalm, what responsibilities does God give to humans?
Do you think humans are doing a good job of taking care of everything God made? (Consider verses 7-8).
What is one small or big thing you could do to help? As a family?
Step 6: Pray
Pray and cool down: 5 minutes
Take time to look outwards and pray for others.
Day 1 — Pray and stretch
While you stretch, take turns sharing something that makes you think of how big and great our God is (like a big mountain or wide ocean) and tell Him how great He is!
Day 2 — Pray and wonder
God is big enough to cope with our wondering questions. Finish today by sharing some of your ‘I wonder why…’ questions.
Day 3 — Pray Psalm 8 together
Read Psalm 8 out loud together as a prayer of praise to God.
Step 7: Play together
Play games as a family: 5 minutes
Play together in active challenges. Have fun!
Day 1 — Mirror mirror
Stand face to face with a partner and have them attempt to copy all your movements. Make it fun. Then swap roles.
Watch this video.
Day 2 — Sharks
Scatter some “islands” and “boats” across the floor (use pillows, stuffed animals, towels etc) and then have everyone jump from one to the next without falling into the water and risk being eaten by ‘sharks’.
Watch this video.
Day 3 — Make an ‘I wonder’ book
Create an "I wonder" book. Let everyone store their big ideas and curious questions in a note book. Maybe research some answers together. Encourage kids to continue to ask questions ever though some answers may be hard to investigate.
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We hope you have enjoyed this session of family.fit.
We would love to know what works in your household and culture. If you are willing to send us your feedback then please use the form below. Alternatively you can email us directly at [email protected].
The family.fit sessions are being developed quickly and constantly. Please bookmark this website, or return again soon, to find the latest information and download future weeks.
Thank you.
The family.fit team