
How to make fitness become an important part of your family’s life

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Do exercise a few times a week. Find a time that will work for everyone.

Set personal goals. Compare improvements with your personal best.

Make it fun!

  • Be active together
  • Play games
  • Involve everyone in the household
  • Go inside or outside
  • Be creative and improvise with what you have

Challenge each other

  • Allow different levels of challenge according to ability, size and age
  • Respect each other
  • Listen actively
  • Share - it's free!
  • Don’t do exercises that cause pain or make any existing pain worse
  • Don’t exercise if you are sick. Wash hands before and after

Important agreement

By using this resource you agree to our Terms and Conditions as detailed in full on our website. These govern your use of this resource by you and all those exercising with you. Please ensure that you and all those exercising with you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use this resource.


  • A warm-up is a simple action that gets muscles warm, breathing deeper, and blood pumping. Play fun, up-tempo music for your warm up activities. Do a range of movements for 3-5 minutes.
  • Workout movements can be seen on the videos so you can learn the new exercise and practice it well. Starting slowly with a focus on technique will enable you to go faster and stronger later.
  • Stretches are less likely to cause injury when done AFTER warm-ups. Use a slower piece of music to do stretches. Stretch gently – and hold for five seconds.
  • Rest and recover after energetic movement. Conversation is great here.
  • Tap out is a way to pass the exercise on to the next person. You can choose different ways to “tap out” e.g. hand clap, whistle, finger guns, wink etc. You make it up!
  • A Personal Best (PB) is a way to compete against yourself rather than others.

Please stay connected

We hope you enjoy This has been put together by volunteers from around the world. You will find all new sessions here on this website.

The website has the latest information, ways you can feedback your thoughts and is the place to stay connected with!

If you enjoyed this, please share with your friends and others you know who might like to participate.

This resource is given freely and meant to be freely given to others at no cost.

If you translate this into your language, please share it back on the website or email it to [email protected] so it can be shared with others.