Growing Wiser
Discerning good from bad!
Quick jumps:
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | |
Matthew 7:15-20 | True or false friends | Good or bad fruit | Useful or useless |
Warm-up | |||
Move ![]() | |||
Challenge | |||
Explore | |||
Play |
Watch the five steps
Getting started
Help your family to be active this week with three fun sessions:
- Involve everyone – anyone can lead!
- Adapt for your family
- Encourage each other
- Challenge yourselves
- Don’t exercise if it causes pain
Share with others:
- Post a photo or video on social media and tag with #familyfit or @familyfitnessfaithfun
- Do with another family

Day 1: Warm-up
Corners warm-up
Label the corners of the room with the numbers 1-4. Each person starts at a different corner and does a different warm-up. Move around the room to the next number. Do two rounds.
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10 back heels kicking
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 squats
Rest and talk together.
When have you worn a disguise?
Go deeper: When did you meet someone who turned out to be a different person to the one you thought they were?

Day 1: Move
Wall push-ups

Stand with arms outstretched towards a wall. Lean forwards, place palms on the wall, bend elbows and push back to standing position.
Complete 10 wall push-ups and rest. Do three rounds.
Go easier: Do less rounds.
Go harder: Do more rounds.

Day 1: Challenge finale
Complete the season with a challenge that includes all we’ve learned!
In pairs complete these movements as fast as possible, but with good technique:
- 20 seconds of planks and superman
- 20 burpees, dips, speed skaters, lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, mountain-climbers, squats.
Do three rounds.
Don’t forget to use a timer!
Compare your score to last season.

Day 1: Explore
True friends
Read Matthew 7:15-16 from the Bible.
Jesus has just described two paths to follow in life. Now He reminds us that there are many who would try to guide us along the wrong path. Beware of these ‘friends’. You can tell who they are by the ‘fruit’ of their lives.
Each person finds something in the house to wear as a disguise to change their appearance.
Talk about some of the ways your good friends have been a positive influence in your life and how other friends have been a negative influence.
Chat to God: Find a pair of glasses (real or pretend). Each person has a turn wearing the glasses while the rest of the family prays these words: “Lord, please give us clear eyes to see when people aren’t who they make themselves to be. Give us all wisdom to discern.”

Day 1: Play
Find the fruit
Stand in a circle with a person in the middle. Pass a piece of fruit from hand to hand behind your backs and stop from time to time to see if the person in the middle knows where the fruit is. Swap places if they guess correctly.
“By their fruit you will recognize them.”
Reflect: How did you know who had the fruit? How do we know who is living for Jesus?
Health tip
Get enough sleep each day.

Day 2: Warm-up
Move to music
Put on some favorite music. Repeat these moves until the music ends:
- 10 running on spot
- 5 squats
- 10 running on spot
- 5 squats with hand clap above head
Rest and talk together.
Name your three favorite fruits and say why.
Go deeper: What causes some trees to go ‘bad’? How is this similar for people?

Day 2: Move
Partner push-ups

The key to a good push-up is keeping your body in a straight line and your elbows close to your side.
Face your partner on the floor with your knees on the ground and your hands in line with your shoulders. Do a push-up at the same time and then give each other a one-handed ‘high five’.
Complete 10 and rest. Do two rounds.
Go easier: Keep the same technique from your knees (instead of your toes).
Go harder: Complete extra rounds.

Day 2: Challenge
Who is faster?

Measure the total time it takes for every person to complete 10 of each of the following movements:
- 10 mountain-climbers
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 push-ups
- 10 lunges
After each 10 movements, tap out for the next person to take over.
Go easier: Do five of each movement.
Go harder: Increase the number of rounds.

Day 2: Explore
Good or bad fruit
Read Matthew 7:17-18.
Good fruit comes from good trees. Draw a tree with different fruit on it. Write names of family members on the pieces of fruit with a description of something good you see in that person’s life.
How do we keep our lives healthy and producing good fruit?
Chat to God: Looking at your drawing, thank God for each family member and pray for a plentiful harvest of good fruit in their life.

Day 2: Play
Opposite game
One person is the leader. Whatever command they give, everyone else does the opposite. ‘Hands up’ means hands down. ‘Hands to the left’ means hands to the right. ‘Squat low’ means jump high and so on.
Swap leaders so everyone has a turn.
Have fun!
Health tip
Get enough sleep each day. Don’t discuss difficult issues just before bed. Worries can keep you awake.

Day 3: Warm-up
Knee tag
Compete in pairs. Try to touch your opponent’s knees as many times as you can in 60 seconds while you protect your own with your hands and body position. Change partners and try again.
Now go further and try to touch everyone else’s knees while protecting your own.
Rest and talk together.
Name some of the most useful items in your home. Name useless items too.
Go deeper: Why are we sad when we have to discard something?

Day 3: Move
Push-up pyramid

Start with one push-up. Rest briefly. Do two push-ups and rest, then three push-ups and rest. Continue all the way to 10 push-ups. Once you get to 10, work your way back down to one again. If you do the whole pyramid, you will have completed 100 push-ups. Wow!
Go easier: Push-up against a wall, table or on knees.

Day 3: Challenge
Paper road
Work in teams. The whole team needs to reach the other side of the room and return back to the starting point.
Each team has three small pieces of paper. The team can move only by stepping on the papers. If any of the team members touch the ground with any part of their body, the whole team must do five push-ups together and then continue moving.
How many times can you cross the room in five minutes?

Day 3: Explore
Useful or useless
Read Matthew 7:19-20.
Jesus wants us to be fruitful in our lives. Hold a piece of fruit as you talk together as a family about ways to live lives that support each other, serve others and build the Kingdom.
Gather your pieces of fruit into a bowl and leave this in a common space this week as a reminder of your fruitfulness.
Chat to God: Begin with a moment of silent reflection as you confess to God the times your lives have not produced the good fruit Jesus is talking about here. Pray together for family and friends.

Day 3: Play
Taste test
Identifying foods by their smell and taste is called discerning. Some fruit is easier to discern than others.
All but one person puts on a blindfold. Give each person different foods or drinks to taste and identify. Be creative!
Reflect: Were some foods or drinks easier to identify? Why? What is discernment? How can we discern if someone is good or bad? Pray together for discernment.
Tip for parents
Have a fixed routine before bed for your children. This will help them settle into a calm state ready for sleep.
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The team